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Retrieving Emails From IMAP and displaying them: I need to build a mini email client

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Retrieving Emails From IMAP and displaying them


Picture of Kieran Mccrudden by Kieran Mccrudden - 6 years ago (2018-03-07)

I need to build a mini email client

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I would like to build a mini email client for an Online community.

The way i would like it to be displayed is as follows:

Page 1 - Delete button to delete the selected email - Checkbox to select email - Display Sender - Display Subject - Display time received/sent

Page 2 - Display the Sender name with sender email below the name - Display Subject of email clicked from Page1 - Display email body clicked from Page1 - Display the attachments below the email body - be able to reply to the email

is there any way I an do this? I have tried myself but I just cant seem to get the hang of it

Thanks in Advanced

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. Picture of Krisztián Dudás by Krisztián Dudás - 6 years ago (2018-03-12) Reply

    You can use the imap extension for php to do that :)

    • 2. Picture of Kieran Mccrudden by Kieran Mccrudden - 6 years ago (2018-03-13) in reply to comment 1 by Krisztián Dudás Comment

      I have tried using the imap extension but from all the tutorials that i have seen they do not meet or do not show me how i can do it on separate pages

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