PHP Classes

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Equirectangular 2 cubemap A request is featured when there is no good recommended package on the site when it is posted. 0

Picture of RalphRoeske by RalphRoeske - 1 year ago (2022-10-16) equirectangular cubemap

I need to convert equirectangular panoramas into cubemap images

What is the best PHP pdo mysql class? 4

Picture of gautam by gautam - 1 year ago (2022-10-09) pdo mysql

PHP Project using PDO MySQL Class

What is the best PHP IP information class? 1

Picture of Stefaan Lesage by Stefaan Lesage - 1 year ago (2022-09-05) ip information

Is there a class to get the company name with the IP address

Recommendation for a PHP class to display hijri calendar A request is featured when there is no good recommended package on the site when it is posted. 1

Picture of Vishal Birajdar by Vishal Birajdar - 1 year ago (2022-08-15) display hijri calendar

Hijri Calendar package to use with CodeIgniter

Recommendation for a PHP class to access faucet pay A request is featured when there is no good recommended package on the site when it is posted. 1

Picture of Dawit Teka by Dawit Teka - 1 year ago (2022-08-01) access faucet pay

Access Faucet Pay API

I need a PHP class for convert MySQL result to DBF A request is featured when there is no good recommended package on the site when it is posted. 0

Picture of manikanta by manikanta - 1 year ago (2022-07-28) convert mysql result to dbf

Convert MySQL result to DBF using php code

What is the best PHP extract keywords from website class? 1

Picture of Wayne Becker by Wayne Becker - 1 year ago (2022-07-25) extract keywords from website

Extract keywords from a web page

bulk generator mail account 0

Picture of Antonio Santana by Antonio Santana - 1 year ago (2022-07-25) mailbox generator

I need a mail account generator

Leads 0

Picture of john by john - 1 year ago (2022-07-24) leads

Scrubbing leads

The best PHP convert address to latitude and longitude class? 1

Picture of RUHA by RUHA - 1 year ago (2022-05-14) convert address to latitude and longitude

Find the latitude and latitude from a Google Maps address

What is the best PHP pdf to text converter class? A request is featured when there is no good recommended package on the site when it is posted. 0

Picture of Don Brown by Don Brown - 1 year ago (2022-05-11) pdf to text converter

How to convert a PDF document to text or CSV

What is the best PHP excel export library class? 1

Picture of Cas Nuy by Cas Nuy - 1 year ago (2022-05-06) excel export library

Looking for an easy class for basic Excel output

I need a PHP class for create word document 1

Picture of Cas Nuy by Cas Nuy - 1 year ago (2022-05-04) create word document

Want a simple solution also for images

less secure access being removed from gmail 0

Picture of Paul Beaudoin by Paul Beaudoin - 1 year ago (2022-05-01) gmail

The gmail access package from PHP Classes will stop working

package to localization site 0

Picture of Salah Mustafa by Salah Mustafa - 1 year ago (2022-04-19) localization

packege to solve localization problem in cakephp 1.3

The best PHP chrome bookmarks import to MySQL database class A request is featured when there is no good recommended package on the site when it is posted. 1

Picture of Serge Grenier by Serge Grenier - 2 years ago (2022-04-14) chrome bookmarks import to mysql database

Export bookmarks to HTML, parse the HTML, and import into MySQL

registration form with dropdown 1

Picture of Attlee Baptiste by Attlee Baptiste - 2 years ago (2022-03-31) registration with dropdown

form with dropdown

Microsoft Text to Speech PHP API program 1

Picture of jie chen by jie chen - 2 years ago (2022-03-23) azure tts php api

Microsoft text to speech PHP API program

What is the best PHP SVG to PNG conversion class? 2

Picture of Georgios Kosmidis by Georgios Kosmidis - 2 years ago (2022-02-09) svg to png modification and conversion

Parse SVG files and modifying nodes appropriately to convert

What is the best PHP email verification class? 2

Picture of LeetHax by LeetHax - 2 years ago (2022-01-21) email verification

Bulk Verify Email Lists